Replica firearms are a proven luxury gift for any military enthusiast. On offer at are replicas of world-famous weapon models from various historical periods.
Each of the replica guns offered by the shop is a hand-made product, with exceptional attention to detail. All pieces are made with extreme precision. They are products richly decorated and perfectly reproduce the original. One of the types of these weapons is the rock pistol. The replicas of black pistols from the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries and blunderbusses, refined in every detail, are particularly noteworthy. The shop’s extensive range also includes replicas of rifles and contemporary weapons. Selected models can be completed with a special dedication to the donor and fitted with elegant stands or tabloos for display.
Replica firearms – models for collectors
Ideally made replica firearms can be a wonderful decoration for the living room or study, as well as a luxurious gift for the military collector. Among the available models, contemporary weapons attract attention. Especially interesting are the famous Colt 45, Mauser C96, Parabellum pistols or the Soviet Kalashnikov AK-47 rifle with folding stock. In the wide range of replicas, replicas of rifles and shotguns make up a large proportion. These are models from various historical periods, finished with great care and made from high quality materials.
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Every replica of a firearm offered by the shop is a product of renowned manufacturers specialising in the production of such products. They are unique and made in accordance with the historical message.